Physical Activity (Primary)

Physical activity resources

Children and young people's participation in physical activity is important for their healthy growth and development. It can reduce the risk of chronic conditions (for example, obesity) and improve their general health and wellbeing.

Emerging evidence suggests an association between being physically active and academic attainment and attention. Children and young people who are physically active are more likely to continue the habit into adult life.


Current guidelines recommend that children and young people should do a minimum of 60 minutes of at least moderate-intensity physical activity each day. At least twice a week, this should include activities to improve bone health (weight-bearing activities that produce high physical stresses on the bones, such as running and jumping), muscle strength and flexibility (DH 2004).

In Doncaster, we know that only 8% of our school children do not meet the national recommendations for physical activity and that 75.% are sedentary for over 7 hours a day.  Early Years, Schools and College settings are well placed to provide a whole setting approach to helping children and young people be physically active within the week. 

Has your school signed up to 'The Daily Mile'


The Daily Mile is a simple and free way to get children out of the classroom for fifteen minutes every day to run or jog, at their own pace, with their classmates, making them fitter, healthier, and more able to concentrate in the classroom. Find out more here.

The following resources offer advice and guidance for learning settings to promote and support physical activity.

Last updated: 17 October 2018 16:23:41

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