Sex and Relationships

A range of useful links for information about sexuality, sexual health and relationships. There is also information about other issues such as domestic abuse, sexual assault and sexual exploitation.

Sex and Relationships:


Project 3 Young People's Health & Wellbeing Service

Parents/carers can make a referral on behalf of a young person for them to receive information, advice or support with relationships or sexual health, but the young person would need to consent to a referral being made.  Please note to ensure confidentiality, the service will not share details of a consultation/or the care provided to a young person.



Information and resources on a range of sexual health topics. 


Family Lives

Includes a section on sex and relationships with a broad range of information from puberty and talking to your teenager about sex and relationships to teenage pregnancy.


Ask Brook

Text Message Helpline, confidential advice & info on sex & relationships for under 25's.

07717 989 023 (standard SMS rates apply).

Webchat also available online.


NHS Live Well: Sexual Health

A range of information for parents/carers and young people answering common questions about puberty, contraception and sex.


NHS National Sexual Health Helpline

To talk to someone about a sexual health issue, the National Sexual Health helpline is free and is open from 9am-8pm, Monday-Friday.

0300 123 7123. 


HIVe Doncaster HIV support

The HIVE is a user led support group for people infected or affected by HIV. The HIVE meets twice a month on the first and third Thursday of every month. For further information 01302 862149.

Last updated: 06 August 2020 16:23:50

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South Yorkshire

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