Early Years (0-5)

Information and guidance for parents with babies and young children.


Family Hubs

Doncaster family hubs are the 'place to go'. They work with other providers to offer a range of activities, services and information for you and your family. 
Families are welcome with children of all ages from conception, through childhood to adolescence and even older if your child has a special need. 
Think of any service you may need from daycare and early learning to schools and education; from midwives to health visitors and mental health; from advice on parenting to family support and adult learning to employment opportunities. 
There are 12 Family Hubs across Doncaster we also deliver activities in other places too.  Visit the website to become a member of your local Family Hub and to find out what activities are running.

Birth to five development timeline

An interactive guide to child development from birth to five years old, including videos and advice to help parents along the way.


Healthy Start 

This website contains information regarding the vitamin and voucher scheme, application forms and how to apply, retailers and food and health tips. 

UPDATE: The Healthy Start Scheme is changing!

The scheme is launching a digital scheme that offers a prepaid card to those applying for Healthy Start instead of paper vouchers. This card will be automatically topped up every 4 weeks with your payment. More information can be found on their website!

If you’re a Healthy Start beneficiary on the paper voucher scheme, you’ll be contacted when you can apply for the digital scheme. 

If you’re not already a Healthy Start beneficiary, but you’re receiving a qualifying benefit and are pregnant or have parental responsibility for at least one child under the age of 4, you can apply online now!


Start 4 Life

This website provides a whole range of health information for babies and children under five, helping parents-to-be and mums and dads to give their children the best possible start.


NHS Weaning

Information about when to start weaning and what foods to offer babies.


Better Health, healthier families (previously Change 4 Life) 

 Spratton CE Primary School - Food and Drink

This website provides a whole range of information around healthy eating and physical activity including activity suggestions, recipe ideas and activities to try in your local area.


NHS Vaccinations and when to have them

A comprehensive guide to childhood vaccinations, what they are, when to have them and how to access the services


Child Accident Prevention Trust


Child safety advice to parents and carers, on topics including sun safety, risks around the home and out and about.


Childnet - Keeping Under Fives Safe Online

Children of all ages enjoy using technology. We now see young children going online to play games, talk to family, watch videos and even learn to use voice enabled tech like Alexa and Siri to find out about their world.  This advice contains top tips for parents and carers for keeping young children safe online.


Sun Safety for babies and young children

As the summer months approach us, this brings lots of opportunities for fun in the sun but there are also additional hazards for our little people!
#BritishSkinFoundation  sun safety top tips are:
1.Wear sunscreen with SPF30+
2.Cover up with clothing and hat
3.Wear sunglasses
4. Seek shade between 11am and 3pm

For more advice please visit the British Skin foundation website here

Keeping safe in the sun | Baby | Health for Under 5s


Hot weather guidance for babies young children
Download (27KB - DOCX)


Jessie & Friends: online safety education for 4-7s.

A three-episode animated series which aims to equip 4-7 year olds with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to help them stay safe from sexual abuse and other risks they may encounter online.


Looking After Your Teeth: A Family guide

A guide for Families on keeping your children's teeth healthy!

3198_Oral Health Leaflets Roma Slovak P2
Download (1.01MB - )
3198_Oral Health Leaflets Roma Slovak Translated P2
Download (1.02MB - )



This website aims to help children, young people, parents and dental teams by offering advice, tips and resources to make visiting the dentist a positive experience!

HENRY - Growing up with Healthy Teeth video 

A 20 minute video that outlines key messages and top tips for keeping young childrens' teeth healthy.


Mental Wellbeing for New Parents

Information for new parents and parents-to-be about the importance of taking care of their mental health and wellbeing and top tips to do so.


'Ready for School' Chart

If your child is about to start either at pre-school or at primary school, there are lots of things you can work on at home to help get them ready. This chart helps you and your child set goals together.


The best start to smiles in life

Short YouTube video outlining the benefits of breastfeeding

Last updated: 21 May 2024 12:39:06

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South Yorkshire

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