Online Safety

Jessie & Friends: online safety education for 4-7s.

Swiggle - A child friendly search engine for Key Stage 2 children to use at school and at home.

Childnet - Information to help keep your child safe online. 

Guidance on screentime boundaries for children aged 0-7 can be found here.

Young Children & Screen Time - A guide for parents & carers from Childnet.

Bullying UK - Information for parents about bullying at school. 

O2 & NSPCC -  A series of articles about online safety, includes videos explaining how to set up parental controls.

Band Runner -  Band Runner is an exciting interactive game which aims to help 8-10 year olds learn how to stay safe from the risks they might encounter online.

UK Safer Internet Centre - A range of resources for parents and carers for safer internet use.

ThinkUKnow - ThinkUKnow provides information and guidance for parents to help keep children and young people safe and what to do if they have concerns. 

Share Aware - A parents’ guide to being Share Aware. Helping you to keep your child safe online

Parent Zone - Experts in digital life

NSPCC Net Aware - Your guide to social networks, apps and games

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South Yorkshire

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