Statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE).

Updated statutory RSHE guidance came into effect from September 2020.  From September 2020, all primary age children will learn relationships education and health education, and all secondary age children will learn relationships & sex education (RSE) and health education.


The Government has produced a response to explain some of the common misconceptions around the subjects - Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education: FAQs.

Find answers to further FAQ’s such as; Do we still teach PSHE?, Should we call these subjects PSHE or RSHE?, What provision does our school need to have in place? What information should be shared with parents/carers?


Support for Doncaster schools

Through the Healthy Learning, Healthy Lives programme our team have been making schools aware of the changes and supporting them to prepare for implementation. This has included arranging specialist training for school staff, sharing resources and establishing a multi-agency implementation group. The multi-agency Doncaster RSHE Implementation Group has been meeting since October 2019 to work together to support educational settings implement the statutory guidance. For more details about the group please get in touch.

Through the group a decision was made for the purchase of a RSHE (5-16) Scheme Of Work which will available for all Doncaster Schools, to ensure there is universal access to good quality, evidence-based information and resources that form the teaching of these subjects. 


RSHE overview with audio explainer
Download (4.48MB - PPTX)

RSHE Curriculum - Free for Doncaster Schools

The Public Health team along with the Learning Opportunities team at Doncaster Council have purchased a RSHE (5-16) Scheme Of Work which will be made available for all Doncaster Schools, to ensure there is universal access to good quality, evidence-based information and resources that form the teaching of these subjects.  It includes learning for all the elements that is required to meet the statutory guidance.

Background to the curriculum

The chosen curriculum has been developed in Sheffield, it is based on national and local research and good practice, and has included input and consultation with academics, health professionals, community, faith and religious groups and representatives of the LGBT+ community.


A message from the Learn Sheffield team;

We are delighted to share with you the first draft of the Sheffield Primary Relationships Sex and Health Education Curriculum 2020.  (The Secondary Curriculum will also be made available in the coming weeks).

We had been working to a post Easter launch but as you will appreciate events have somewhat overtaken us. Thank you for your patience.

Because of the Covid19 lockdown we have been unable to complete our process of extensive consultation and feedback to agree the sign-off of a final version. However, we were keen to for you to have a version to start your planning for September so we have published this draft version.

We don’t feel that now is the correct time to carry out any further community or school based discussions on the content and indeed DFE have indicated that next academic year will be seen as an implementation period which will allow for those discussions to take place at a late date in greater detail.

It was always our intention to review the content in the light of feedback from teachers and we will do so over the next term with a view to launching the final version in Spring 2021 when hopefully we can all be together in person.

We hope you find the curriculum useful and we look forward to getting your feedback.

Sue Finnigan and Thom Winterbotham

Sheffield CC eLearning Service - An Associate Service to Learn Sheffield

Access to the curriculum


The RSHE curriculum (KS1-2 & KS3-4) is free for Doncaster schools to use to help design a programme of learning that best meets the needs of their pupils. 


Important Note: The RSHE curriculum has been commissioned and is funded for use in schools situated geographically within Sheffield and Doncaster only.

Please do not share the content of the curriculum with colleagues further afield.  If you are aware of other schools in Doncaster that would like to use the curriculum please ask them to contact the Healthy Learning, Healthy Lives team; so we can ensure they are provided with all the supporting material.

If colleagues outside of Doncaster or Sheffield are interested in the curriculum, please ask them to contact the Learn Sheffield team directly by emailing Sue Finnigan


To access the curriculum please complete and return this form to; 

Sign up form

Download (50KB - DOCX)

Feedback from schools who have accessed the curriculum;

Warmsworth Primary School: 

"Thank you for this [link to curriculum]. I have spent the evening and morning looking through it and think it is priceless.  I am excited to be able to use it to support the learning of both PHSE and RSE and look forward to the updates."


A set of training courses will also be available to support schools use the curriculum.  The cost and booking information is in the process of being confirmed.


Useful Information and resources

Lots of information and resources are available on this website, additional resources are embedded on the HLHL Wheel.

Both the PSHE Association and the Sex Education Forum have a number of free resources, including a curriculum design tool, a roadmap highlighting what to do and when to be ready for implementation and an RSE audit tool.  These and other resources can be accessed via the Sex Education Forum website.


If you have any further queries about the implementation of RSHE please contact the Healthy Learning, Healthy Lives team.

Get in touch

Civic Office
South Yorkshire

HLHLDoncaster on Twitter