NSPCC Schools Service

Updates of resources available

(1)        Making sense of relationships resources for schools

Information here on the website, it’s aimed at 10-16 year olds and to support teachers with RSE guidance and complement existing resources available to them. Topics covered range from friendships and coping with change in KS2, to healthy relationships, consent and sexual exploitation in secondary school. Also includes gender identity, relationship abuse, online pornography and sexting.


(2)        Speak Out. Stay Safe. Programme

The NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. safeguarding programme is offered at no cost to all UK primary schools, they have worked extensively with Doncaster mainstream primary schools, visiting over 90% of schools. They are also currently working to put a plan in place to support non mainstream provision deliver messages to children in their settings. In addition there are wider ways the NSPCC can help from PSHE Association approved teaching resources and lesson plans through to tools and training. Also on offer are free online safety workshops to parents and carers as part of their partnership with O2.  If you haven’t yet had chance please visit nspcc.org.uk/schools to find out more.

What is the Speak out. Stay safe. programme?

If you have not had the programme in your school, the programme consists of separate assemblies for KS1 and KS2, followed by an hour-long workshop for years 5 and 6. The sessions give children the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect. I have attached a summary document with more information on the content of each of these sessions. Please also take a look at the video at www.bit.ly/SOSSvid to see our programme in action.

If you have had the programme in your school in the past or recently the service now operates on a 3 year rolling cycle and they will be back in touch to revisit the school.  The programme is offered at no cost to schools because they think that it is so important that all children receive these messages. They do ask all schools if they would be willing to hold a fundraising event to support the NSPCC. If your school opt to fundraise there are a range of engaging and memorable fundraising activities available, if your school is not able to fundraise you can still access the programme.

 To book your visit please contact Liz Kirwan at elizabeth.kirwan@nspcc.org.uk. She will then do the rest, including providing letters for school staff and parents and resources for your pupils.


(3)        Speak out Stay safe resources – special schools

This is an opportunity for special schools to discuss and receive resources and support for the school to deliver the programme themselves. For more information contact Liz Kirwan at elizabeth.kirwan@nspcc.org.uk


  • Category: General
Last updated: 10 January 2019 15:35:53

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