Get Ready for Statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Free training to help schools prepare.
Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) in schools is changing. In just one year all secondary schools will be required to deliver Relationships & Sex Education, and all primary schools will be required to deliver ‘Relationships Education’. The government have also committed to statutory health education, meaning the majority of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education will be compulsory from 2020.
New government guidance was published earlier this year for Statutory Relationships and Health Education from September 2020. Background information available here.
Doncaster Public Health team are helping count down to the start of statutory RSE by providing a free training opportunity for Doncaster Schools. We have commissioned Sex Education Forum to deliver a one-day course, guiding teachers through the new legislation, advising on curriculum design and helping you choose the best resources and teaching approaches to build an inclusive and up-to-date programme that is relevant to your pupils real lives and supported by parents.
Outcomes of the training
Participants will be able to:
- Review and update existing provision in line with new legislation.
- Brief colleagues on new legislation, guidance and Ofsted requirements.
- Identify good practice and understand how to assess, monitor and evaluate teaching and learning.
- Facilitate consultation with staff, pupils and parents.
- Apply a range of resources and approaches to ensure Relationships Education / Relationships & Sex Education is inclusive and needs-led.
The course is for PSHE leads, teaching staff and members of the senior leadership team of Primary and Secondary Schools. Special Schools and Alternative Provision are also invited to attend. As places are limited we are limiting to one member of staff from a school/setting per session.
Dates and booking details;
Public Health: Get Ready for Statutory Relationships Education (for primary schools)
Monday 11/11/2019 | 09:30 - 16:00 | Civic Office, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
For further information and bookings
Public Health : Get Ready for Statutory Relationships & Sex Education (for secondary schools)
Monday 25/11/2019 | 09:30 - 16:00 | Civic Office, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
For further information and bookings
- Category: General