Resources for Early Years
It's really important that children are supported to establish healthy habits from a young age. If you work in an Early Years setting, as a childminder, in a children's centre or nursery, we can help you promote healthier lifestyles to toddlers and pre-school children and their families.
Change4Life Early Years Guide
Why not start with the Change4Life Early Years resources page, which provides a guide written with early years providers in mind?
Families Information Service
A directory of all the services in Doncaster; to be used by people working with families and for parents or young people to use themselves. The Families Information Service is designed to promote Principle 1 of Early Help, where parents are seen as children's first source of support.
Health for Under 5s
Information, support and advice on a range of topics, for families with children under 5 from NHS health professionals.
IHV - Top tips for parents
Information from health visitors about healthy development of toddlers and pre-school children.
For information on specific topics visit the following pages.
- Food, Drink & Oral Health
- Physical Activity
- Lifestyle (includes emotional health, sun and road safety)