Enrichment / Drop Down Days

This page contains information about "drop down days", including the use of one-off talks or presentations and includes a list of external providers that provide 'public health carousels'.




It can be tempting to use a one-off talk, presentation or drama to cover a particular subject area but there is evidence to show that, not only can this be ineffective, but in respect of programmes or talks designed to scare or shock, they can be harmful.

The diagram above summarises The Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) evidence review for ‘Early intervention and youth crime’, that highlights the range of interventions available to intervene early in order to prevent youth crime and anti-social behaviour. The EIF rates the strength of evidence supporting each programme by reviewing the available evidence.

The Scared Straight approach was given the lowest rating which indicates that it has no impact and may have potentially harmful or unintended consequences. You can read more about Straight Straight programmes by downloading this document;

Scared Straight
Download (610KB - DOCX)

Although some Doncaster schools do choose to use "carousel events", "drop down days" or one-off assemblies as part of Personal, Social and Health Education, we recommend that PSHE is delivered as part of a planned curriculum. One that aims to explore issues, and build the resilience and decision making skills of pupils. Outside agencies can play a valuable part in PSHE Education and you can find out more about working with them below.

If you do decide to use external visitors to deliver sessions in schools, you might also want to read the PSHE Association subject specialist Ann Bell's article  for a range of tips and advice to help you choose wisely and ensure safe, effective input.

We recommend that you visit our PSHE Resources section of this website and visit some of our more evidence-based resources, such as 'Rise Above'  and other resources from the PSHE Association


Working with External Providers

The following guidance, although several years old, is a good starting point when considering working with external providers; Citizenship and PSHE: working with external contributors 

The PSHE Association also has a guidance document and a podcast providing important advice on ensuring external visitors and speakers make a safe and effective contribution to a school’s PSHE programme, which maximises learning and pupil engagement here.


Public Health Carousels

Carousel events are an opportunity for Doncaster secondary schools to work with local partners to deliver workshops on subjects which will increase student knowledge around key health messages.

Below is a list of providers, who have supported in delivering carousels in the past.  If you intend to use other organisations to deliver health related workshops in your school, please contact the Doncaster Public Health team on 01302 862146 , who will be able to advise and assist you in accessing quality evidence based programmes.

Cancer Awareness


Teenage Cancer Trust




Child Sexual Exploitation DCST



Chlamydia Screening Programme Project 3 (RDaSH)  


Emotional Health & Wellbeing CAMHS  



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