Enhanced Award Resources - Gyspy, Roma and Traveller Communities


Welcome to Yorkshire booklets


UNCRC Rights of the Child 

- child friendly language poster  https://www.unicef.org/rightsite/files/uncrcchilldfriendlylanguage.pdf

- booklet for C&YP http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00508949.pdf

- resources for different ages https://www.cypcs.org.uk/rights/uncrcarticles

Roma engagement

This booklet by Mark Penfold, Babington College, is very easy to dip into for colleagues wanting to better understand and engage with their Roma communities https://ealresources.bell-foundation.org.uk/sites/default/files/document-files/Roma%20research%20revised%20July%202016%20%285%29.pdf   


Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
Many Traveller families will not allow their children to attend lessons that deal with SRE, and their sensitivity can extend to content in science lessons, including in lower key stage 2. It is important that discussions are held with parents about what is involved and options are explored, otherwise parents may keep their children off school on the days that these lessons take place.

Schools might find these leaflets from Hampshire useful:
Working with Traveller children - Primary good practice guide http://documents.hants.gov.uk/education/TravellerShinyPrimary2014.pdf
Working with Traveller children - Secondary good practice guide http://documents.hants.gov.uk/education/TravellershinySecondary10-06-2014.pdf
PHSE leaflet http://documents.hants.gov.uk/childrens-services/EMTASleafletTravellerParentsandPSHE25-06-2015.pdf 
FAQ sheet http://documents.hants.gov.uk/education/EMTASFAQGRTCulturalAwarenessJune2017.pdf

Schools report that parents consent to their children hearing the NSPCC ‘Pants’ message if they are in small, same sex groups, with a same sex teacher.

Read this blog to learn how one school worked with Traveller parents, resulting in a ‘Girl’s bag’ of items to support discussion about body changes http://emtas.hias.hants.gov.uk/blog/index.php?userid=981

The Children’s Society have developed some CSE resources in a project with GRT students for use with GRT students – there’s a video and activity book, and a guide for practitioners, plus posters/leaflets in English, Slovak and Romanian about the warning signs of CSE and where to get help https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/what-we-do/helping-children/gypsy-roma-traveller-children-cse-resources

For schools using 'Big Talk' materials, there is now a 'Gypsy Traveller' set, developed in conjunction with the Gypsy Traveller Voice Project, to be culturally appropriate for use with children from these communities http://www.bigtalkeducation.co.uk/resources-for-primaries.html  (Catholic schools report that parents tend to find the materials developed for their schools are also acceptable).

Hate Crime Reporting

Information for Roma parents to help them be safe from discrimination in the UK http://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/userfiles/file/publications/rm-d23-bklet-hatecrimefeb2015-en.pdf
If families are reluctant to report incidents to Police, their experiences can still contribute to national data http://reportracismgrt.com/?page_id=33

Other Organisations and Links

NATT+ has a list of organisations and their websites http://www.natt.org.uk/resources/recommendations-resources-or-referrals/ 






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