Making Doncaster the most child friendly borough!

As part of the Children and Young People's Plan 2022-2025, Doncaster Youth Advisory boards' ambition is to make Doncaster the most Child Friendly Borough in the Country and by that; we mean a safe, happy, healthy, connected and inclusive place for all children and young people.



What is Child Friendly Doncaster?

Child Friendly Doncaster is a borough-wide initiative working towards our goal: "To make Doncaster the most Child Friendly Borough in the Country." Organisations can sign up to receive a Child Friendly Status by completing training and gathering evidence. They are then rated on how Child Friendly they are. The whole initiative is Young Person Led – designed by the Young Advisors and led by the Youth Advisory Board.

Who can do it?

Any service, organisation or business in Doncaster can sign up to the initiative, whether they work directly with children and young people or not!

What are the benefits of getting your Child Friendly Status?

Gaining a Child Friendly Status has many benefits. It can aid you in gaining funding for your particular service. Potential partners, parents, children and young people will recognise the Child Friendly logo and appreciate that you have completed the initiative. The child friendly logo symbolises that children and young people are safe and welcomed in your environment and you consider your impact on them. You will receive a certificate and the use of our Child Friendly Logo, as well as a window sticker. Directors and managers within the council are aware of the Child Friendly Status and your rating will be stored on our database.

Furthermore, you will receive a detailed report containing a review of your organisation’s strengths, as well as some agreed actions to work on. The Youth Advisory Board will regularly meet with you and support your journey to become continuously more child friendly.

Feedback from organisations who have completed the initiative:

“I thought the initiative was very inclusive and clear”

“Nothing needs to be improved, all questions were answered”

“It was great training”

“The programme was delivered beyond my expectations”

How to get started?

Contact us at and we will pass on some more information to begin the process of achieving Child Friendly Status. 

Additional information:

The initiative is based around the priorities set out by young people themselves in the Children and Young People’s Plan 2022-2025. This is linked here for more information

  • Category: General
Last updated: 21 March 2023 09:22:05

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South Yorkshire

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