Enhanced Award: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities

If you have completed your Healthy Learning, Healthy Lives award you now have the opportunity to apply for the Enhanced Award. This section covers the specific area of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

 'GRT' stands for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller, which are ethnic groups. All schools/academies play a key role in supporting GRT children to achieve the same high outcomes as their non-GRT peers.

This enhanced module is designed to assist schools to reflect on and evidence their good practice in being inclusive of GRT children across all aspects of their ‘Healthy Learning Healthy Lives’ work, and provides additional links to resources and information.

See ‘Buy Doncaster’ Virtual School GRT resource pages for links to resources on a growing range of areas http://buy.doncaster.gov.uk/Services/3846

Doncaster’s schools/academies/settings are welcome to contact the Virtual School’s Lead Raising Achievement Officer (GRT) for support (tel: 01302 734258; email Julia.mellors@doncaster.gov.uk)




Last updated: 06 August 2018 14:06:09

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